Produkty dla en organizacja (45)

Obrane organiczne zielone grochy

Obrane organiczne zielone grochy

Green peas are a small legume that is easy to cook and a delicious addition to main dishes. It is extremely beneficial for your health. Our organic green peas have a traditional taste and tender texture. It is usually used to make pea soup and stews Color:Light yellow Taste and odour:Pleasant
Organiczny Olej Słonecznikowy - Do Gotowania i Wysoka Kwas Oleinowy

Organiczny Olej Słonecznikowy - Do Gotowania i Wysoka Kwas Oleinowy

Произведено по сертифицирана биологична технология от висококачествени биологични слънчогледови семена. Подходящо за термична обработка и студена консумация. Предимства: - подходящ за многократна употреба Подходящо за: - приготвяне на сосове, маринати и майонеза - овкусяване на салати Високоолеиновите олиа се произвеждат от специален вид слънчоглед, който е с високо съдържание на мононенаситени мазнини. Такива мазнини присъстват в зехтина, но той има и много полиненаситени мазнини, което го прави неподходящ избор за готвене. Съдържанието на олеинова киселина, прави олиотото подходящо за пържене и издръжливо на висока температура.Благодарение на линоловата киселина в състава, мазнината повишава имунната защита на организма.
Obrany organiczny kolendra

Obrany organiczny kolendra

Coriander seeds have a beneficial effect on health by helping, thanks to the content of vitamins K, C, B, along with antioxidants and other minerals. They are widely used as an important ingredient in spice products. They can also be added to mixtures to improve taste and are widely used in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Color:Light yellow
Organiczny olej słonecznikowy tłoczony na zimno

Organiczny olej słonecznikowy tłoczony na zimno

Extracted from high quality peeled sunflower seeds by cold pressing, without heating and without chemical processing. Advantages: without chemical processing Suitable for: preparation of sauces, marinades and mayonnaise flavoring salads Cold-pressed sunflower oil is obtained by first dehusking the seeds and then pressing them into a press. With this way of extracting the oil, a large part of the oil remains in the seeds, but the taste, vitamins and minerals are preserved. to thermally processed foods when the latter cool down. This type is considered particularly useful
Organiczny surowy olej słonecznikowy, wysoka zawartość oleju

Organiczny surowy olej słonecznikowy, wysoka zawartość oleju

Extracted from high quality peeled sunflower seeds by cold pressing, without heating and without chemical processing. STORAGE In a cool place protected from direct sunlight COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Bulgaria
Ekologiczny kolendra (cały)

Ekologiczny kolendra (cały)

Coriander seeds have a beneficial effect on health by helping, thanks to the content of vitamins K, C, B, along with antioxidants and other minerals. They are widely used as an important ingredient in spice products. They can also be added to mixtures to improve taste and are widely used in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Color:Light yellow
Organiczny olej słonecznikowy tłoczony na zimno

Organiczny olej słonecznikowy tłoczony na zimno

Извлечено от висококачествени белени слънчогледови ядки чрез студено пресоване, без загряване и без химична обработка. Предимства: без химична обработка Подходящо за: приготвяне на сосове, маринати и майонеза овкусяване на салати Студено пресованото слънчогледово олио се получава, като първо семената се олющват и после се подават в преса. При този начин на извличане на олиото, голяма част от маслото остава в семената, но пък се запазват вкуса, витамините и минералите. Използва се само и единствено в студената кухня – салати, зеленчукови джобове или се добавя към термично обработени храни, когато последните изстинат. Този вид се смята за особено полезен, тъй като е подложен само на филтриране. Напълно запазва фосфатидите, стеролите, токоферолите и други полезни компоненти. Отличава се с приятни вкус и аромат.
Organiczny olej słonecznikowy tłoczony na zimno - wysoka oleina

Organiczny olej słonecznikowy tłoczony na zimno - wysoka oleina

It is extracted from high-quality peeled sunflower seeds, by cold pressing, without heating and without chemical treatment. Advantages: mild scent and pleasant taste without chemical processing Suitable for: flavoring salads making sauces It does not contain toxic residual agents (acids) from chemical processing, because they are not used in the extraction process. It is used only and only in the cold kitchen - salads, vegetable pockets or added to heat-treated foods when they cool down.
Organiczny Olej Słonecznikowy - Do Gotowania

Organiczny Olej Słonecznikowy - Do Gotowania

Произведено по сертифицирана биологична технология от висококачествени биологични слънчогледови семена. Предимства: -подходящ за многократна употреба Подходящо за: - термична обработка - овкусяване на салати Благодарение на линоловата киселина в състава, мазнината повишава имунната защита на организма. Тя подддържа здравословния клетъчен растеж в стомаха, белите дробове, кожата, гърдите и дебелото черво. Нормализира кръвното налягане и нивото на кръвната захар. Помага при диабет като понижава нивото на вредния холестерол.
Organiczne zielone grochy

Organiczne zielone grochy

Green peas are a small legume that is easy to cook and a delicious addition to main dishes. It is extremely beneficial for your health. Our organic green peas have a traditional taste and tender texture. It is usually used to make pea soup and stews. Color:Light yellow Taste and odour:Pleasant
Ekologiczna mąka pełnoziarnista orkiszowa

Ekologiczna mąka pełnoziarnista orkiszowa

It is distinguished by its nutritional qualities, including protein and fiber, which are several times higher than those of wheat. Advantages: has a beneficial effect on digestion Suitable for: making different pastries Easy to process, has good taste. Unlike wheat, spelt contains 2 times more protein and zinc, as well as numerous vitamins, has lower levels of gluten and is pleasant to taste. Benefits of spelt - eases digestion, controls cholesterol levels, improves blood circulation, improves bone health, boosts immunity, reduces the chances of diabetes by decreasing the level of cholesterol.
Organiczne Nasiona Słonecznika Premium do Piekarstwa

Organiczne Nasiona Słonecznika Premium do Piekarstwa

Raw organic sunflower seeds are a rich source of protein - 6 grams per serving. They also contain essential fatty acids such as oleic and linoleic acids, which are associated with lowering blood sugar levels, reducing cholesterol and improving metabolism. Color:Light yellow Taste and odour:Pleasant Fats:48.2 gr Carbohydrates:12.4 gr Fibers:5.6 gr Sugars:0.22 gr Salt:0.04 gr Saturated fat:5.69 gr
Organiczna mąka orkiszowa - Pełnoziarnista

Organiczna mąka orkiszowa - Pełnoziarnista

Отличава се със своите хранителни качества, сред който протеини и фибри, които са в пъти по-високи от тези на пшеницата. Предимства: - действа благоприятно на имунната система Подходящо за: - приготвяне на различни печива Лесно за обработка, има добри вкусови качества и е леко по-сладникаво от обикновеното. Придава малко по-тъмен цвят на печивата. Ползи на лимеца - улеснява храносмилането, контролира нивата на холестерола, подобрява кръвообращението, подобрява здравето на костите, повишава имунитета, контролира диабета.
Organiczna mąka einkorn

Organiczna mąka einkorn

Einkorn has a slightly sweeter taste than spelt and is higher in protein, fibre and B vitamins and is more easily absorbed by the body. It can be ground into flour or cooked as a substitute for rice or potatoes or added to soups and salads. Color:Light yellow Moisture:Low (50 - 60% RH)
Organiczny olej słonecznikowy tłoczony na zimno - wysoka oleina

Organiczny olej słonecznikowy tłoczony na zimno - wysoka oleina

It is extracted from high-quality peeled sunflower seeds, by cold pressing, without heating and without chemical treatment. Advantages: mild scent and pleasant taste without chemical processing Suitable for: flavoring salads making sauces It does not contain toxic residual agents (acids) from chemicalprocessing, because they are not used in the extraction process. It is used only and only in the cold kitchen - salads, vegetable pockets or added to heat-treated foods when cooled down.